Dec 31, 2008 14:06
Stupid toothache is back.
About 2 1/2 years ago, I broke one of my wisdom teeth. Being a stupid, dentist-phobe that I am (with no dental insurance, to boot), I decided to let it go for the time being since it wasn't hurting me.
Fast forward to sometime this summer. Out of the blue, my painless broken tooth decided to randomly start hurting in a way that much resembled the feeling of someone trying to rip said tooth from my mouth.
I got myself an emergency appt with a dentist and was seen that morning. As my luck would have it, I was 7 weeks pregnant, and they wouldn't touch me. They just gave me amoxicillin (antibiotic) and codeine (narcs!!!) as per my OB's suggestion, and gave me a referral to an oral surgeon.
The codeine did jack squat. It may have helped dull the pain, but I was still waking up every now and then in tears. Luckily, the antibiotics worked beautifully and the pain was gone in less than 24 hours.
When I saw the oral surgeon, he explained to me that since I was pregnant, all I could have for an anesthetic would be lidocain (or novocain, I don't remember) and codeine for home. No laughing gas, no general anesthesia, and he didn't buy my idea for smashing a brick over my head to induce unconsciousness.
At that point, he felt it best that since I was high risk, and obvious very nervous about the procedure, it would be better to wait until after the baby is born so I can have all the wonderful drugs and not have to worry. He did, however, warn me that the pain could return before March 10 (due date) and in that case, I should call him for more antibiotics.
Early this afternoon, it came back with a vengeance. I didn't get any dull pain to make me think "Hmm, maybe I should call for that script..." I just got the immediate, excruciating pain that I'd had before.
Thank GOD this happened today, when offices are still open.
Josh braved the snow and went to the pharmacy to pick up my antibiotics. I ended up taking one of the codeine I have left from last time, which helped dull the pain a bit, but the lovely effects are wearing off less than 2 hours after taking it.
This is going to be a long day. There is nothing - NOTHING worse than tooth pain.