(no subject)

Oct 01, 2006 23:30

tonight i saw a mexican man that looked just like jeremy. he even sat just the same as him. when i went to get a picture, he was nowhere to be found.

also tonight, i saw a mexican girl that looked like jenna, or at least how i remember jenna looking. i didnt even try to take a picture because her she was talking to a mexican man-boy with tattoos on his neck.

i think in traditional mexican culture, tattoos on your neck means "don't take pictures of my girlfriend", although i could be confused. cultural expressions are often hard to interpret.

for instance, today as i was driving the truck, a man looked at me and kinda pointed to the back of the truck. he moved his hand just like a kangaroo would hop, like his hand was the kangaroo... then it hops. i dont know. anyways, i nodded in such a way as to ask him "que pasa?" and then he jumped in the back of the truck.

so i'm guessing that first gesture meant "can i jump in the bed of your truck so i dont have to walk up this really big hill because i am tired and probably about 70 years old and i dont even have a pension or anything so i still have to work, americans are lazy, not us". and apparently my head nodding meant "sure, hop on in, i dont really speak the language here and i certainly dont know more than eight people in this entire country, so of course i dont have a problem with a complete stranger riding in the back of a vehicle entrusted to me and my better judgment, and i have no idea how long you wanna stay back here so whenever you want me to stop i guess yell or something, i hope you dont stab me and rob me because that would be SOME spin on karma, you know how i help someone out and get beat up and jacked because of it? maybe thats irony".

see in mexico, a head nod means all that. if you dont get it, then its probably because you've never lived here.

like i do.

anyways.. i'm on a photoshoot right now. my first shoot all by myself, without the assistance or guidance of anyone else.

i came out with some really nice stuff, i think.

i'm gonna throw some things up on my site, WHICH BRINGS ME TO MY NEXT TOPIC:

my site will be up very shortly. i will be updating on there practically exclusively. or maybe i'll just cross-post onto there... either way, if you want to stay up on my life, its probably better to read THAT than to wait for me to put something on here.

because livejournal is getting stupid. its filled with bitches whining about the most asinine problems in the world and no one is sincere anymore.

i've lost the faith in this portion of the internet.
facebook, you're next.


i just cracked a fresh beer. in a minute i'm going swimming and listening to the sound of mariachi/dance music from the town festival. its faint, but i can still hear ARRIBA's and YI-YI-YI-YIII's...

oh and theres a full moon too.
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