Title: Where Your Loyalties Lie
Type: Fanfic
Fandom: Naruto
Theme: February - Red and White
Character(s): Tenten, Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi
Pairing(s): Really faint hints of SasuTen and maybe even implied interest from Itachi if you look at it hard enough under a microscope.
Warning(s): None
Disclaimer: I own nothing but these words.
Note: Written for the February theme at
ten_squared. I intended to have so much more happen in the fic with added mind-breaking material because of the 'WTF' factor I had in mind. But the first section took so long to write out and turned out so detailed that I decided to wrap it all up before I missed the deadline for the month. I'll go back and expand in it later, I promise.
I suppose our family does have an affinity to the darker side of life... )
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