KHAAAAAAAAAAAN -said the guy I met

Sep 15, 2013 13:56

Finally recounting my awesome time at Dragoncon... Among many others, I saw the helicopter guy from Mad Max, lots of Deadpools, lots of ponies, one really good Discord, one of the Skeksies from The Dark Crystal, Megaman X and Alia too, a guy who looked just like Spock, a trio of villains from He-Man, and a Robin with a Westboro Baptist Church-styled sign protesting Affleck!Batman.

On Saturday I cosplayed Jem and carried my black sneakers around in a shoebox so I could keep moving when the pink shoes hurt my feet (and they did). People were glad to see me and wanted photos, so I guess my experimenting with makeup and wig hairspray worked. (I had to remember not to rub my eyes though.)

I went to the Walk of Fame, where
-the Seventh Doctor signed his photo with "love"
-Bender told me to bite him
-Lando signed my copy of Shadows of the Empire (now I'm REALLY never getting rid of this book)
-Q asked me what I did (I told him I was a chemist) and when I asked why Sisko was the only captain to punch him, he responded "Because he's rude."
-Data winked at me and said he was glad he could amuse me

Of course I kept getting lost and felt bad because I couldn't donate blood to the drive they were having... but I did make it to the Dealers' Room, which was now a couple of blocks away. There were many impressive things for sale; I left with the last sheet of Doctor Who 50th anniversary stamps and two vials of perfume from the Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, Verdandi for myself and Roses, Pearls and Diamonds for Mom.

I kept trying to get into one of the My Little Pony panels and kept failing because a ton of other people wanted to do the exact same thing and had gotten there first. Fortunately, down one of the hallways there was a currently-vacant room where more fans were gathering and we enjoyed an unofficial MLP:FIM panel. After a good time, foolish little brother called, wanting to leave... but before we did, one of my fellow bronies handed me his pass, saying he'd had enough and I was welcome to use it the next day.

So I did. I dressed like a 1980s version of Hungary (and had to adjust my footwear every two minutes) and went to get a ticket to return to a certain spot at 5:00 to meet CAPTAIN JAMES T. KIRK. While I killed time I enjoyed tacos and a delicious Yoda Soda. Then before I knew it, it was time to line up and wait for the man to appear. All I could do was grin stupidly and make goofy sounds, but I saw him! Just like Mom did when he came to the mall in her town and told everybody about the new sci-fi show!

Then I found out there were TWO levels in the Dealers' Room, so I went back and loaded up on DVDs and books and fanart.

My arms and legs were sore for three days afterwards. TOTALLY WORTH IT~
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