They're good for your heart

Apr 06, 2012 21:12

I now have two cookbooks on how to prepare dishes and beverages with Coke. The 125th anniversary one contains a recipe called "Uncle Joe's Baked Beans." Every time I see it all I can think of is this:

Twisted Alternate History

Past Self: Good morning, Supreme Leader!
Uncle Joe: Good morning, Comrade. What do you have there?
Past Self: Tasty and nutritious tuna fish!

Past Self: Good morning, Supreme Leader!
Uncle Joe: Good morning, Comrade. What do you have there?
Past Self: Healthy and delicious baked beans!
Uncle Joe: Give that here... *chomp chomp*
Past Self: But I brought that from home...
Uncle Joe: WHAT YOU SAY?!?

If I had a past life in the USSR, that might have been how it ended.
Okay, not funny.

Wait, THIS is funny. Foolish little brother started getting me into the series...
(I know, I know, it's sort of late. :P)
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