Friday the 13th x3

Apr 13, 2007 13:14

Well people who say, that friday the thirteenth is a day of very bad luck are in my eyes bloody liars XD
I´ve never never ever had bad luck on this day XD
Just the opposte^^
This day mostly was a very lucky day for me^^°
Well for today there already were some lucky things like the action with the Cos-transfer (yes, praying helps XD), the action with Lina (x3~) and finally I go shopping with my ma for the summer^^
It would really make my day, if some of my orders would come today^^
that would be amazing x3
Saaa I was so angry yesterday...
I´m definitely not a morning person...
and even minor, if I didn´t have enough sleep^^°
I went to bed the night before (or rather the morning XD) at about 3 o´clock^^°
And about 10 o´clock the phone of my parents started to ring....
and it went on....and on....and on...
And finally I jumped out of my bed, stomped to the phone about to yell in, that I was still asleep, when I realized that it was a number from Hamburg or something so I picked up and tried to sound as normal as you can after seven hours of sleep and an annoying awakening...^^°
gonna tell this person to let it ring three times and then hang up...
so annoying...
besides that I´m wishing for some money ´cause I wanna start with my cosplays....
Got the fear not to finish all of them... (that would be so horrible...TT^TT)
especialy fye makes me worry...
he´s such a load of work and I don´t know what will be after my abitur so I want to at least make him nearly finished so I don´t need to worry about that...
Right now I´m thinking about cutting Jo´s shoes, cause they dont have the round form on the upside...
but I´m scared, that it will look shitty and that I mess dem up...TT^TT
so I guess I better wait a little more XD
Next on I guess I have to look after my mney in case if I won´t get a job I really have to save every Cent...
so I´m hoping for the people I wrote to call me and to tell me that I´m accepted^^
that would be really nice^^
So that´s it for now^^
Hope to see you again soon^^
Yours Fuji-ko^^

holidayjob, friday the 13th, cosplay

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