Heres another one...

May 17, 2004 17:41

Name: James Michael Lee
Born in: Exeter (No clue how to spell it), NH (Live free or Die)
Resides in: Amesbury
Good student?: Ha Ha Ha... oh god I love these questions...
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: brown
Shoe size: 12

Last time you..
Had a nightmare: Few nights ago... not really sure what happend... but I did something bad... I think
Said "I love you" and meant it: This morning... I was looking into the mirror
Ate at McDonald's: I hate McDonald's
Had a birthday party: Less than a month ago
Brushed your hair: Eh... useless practice if you ask me...
Dyed your hair: never
Washed your hair: last night
Cried: hmmm... not really sure, not for a long while
Called someone: yesterday
Smiled: I'm sure I did at some point today
Laughed: today

Do You...
Smoke?: no, but I have
Do drugs?: no, but I have
Have sex?: nope
Read the newspaper?: saturday... waiting for someone...
Have any straight friends?: I don't think I have any normal friends
Have any gay friends?: yea
Consider love a mistake?: nope
Like the taste of alcohol?: god no
Believe in God?: nope athiest all my life
Pray?: once or twice
Go to church?: only for a few weddings
Have any secrets?: nope
Have any pets: if you can a demon-incarnate a pet (cleo)
Talk to strangers who instant message you: no strangers im me
Wear hats?: Oh god I love my cowboy hat
Have any piercings?: nope
Have any tattoos?: nope
Hate yourself?: How could I hate someone like me?
Have an obsession?: not really
Have a secret crush?: not really a "secret" one..
Collect anything?: memories
Have a best friend?: a few
Like your handwriting?: eh Its sloppy
Have any bad habits?: biting my nails
Care about looks?: can't say I do

Have you ever...
01. Fallen for your best friend? nope
02. Made out with JUST a friend? nope
04. Been in love? nope
05. Been in lust? nope
06. Used someone? nope
07. Been used? I don't think so
08. Cheated on someone? nope..
09. Been cheated on? nope
11. Done something you regret? Not really
Who was the last person...
12. You touched? my mom
13. You talked to? my mom
14. You Hugged? Karina
15. You instant messaged? Karina
16. You kissed? my mom
17. Made you cry? No clue
18. You yelled at? I don't yell much
19. You laughed with? Adam and Keith
20. You had a crush on? Karina
21. Who broke your heart? no one
Do you...
22. Color your hair? never have (tho I'd like to color it tye-dye)
23. Have tattoos? no (repeat much?)
24. Have Piercings? no (repeat much?)
25. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?yep
26. Floss daily? my dentist always yells at me about that
27. Own a webcam? no
28. Ever get off the damn computer? yes
29. Sprechen sie deutsche? ja, ich habe veil deutsche gesprochen.
30. Habla espanol? what?
40. Considered a life of crime? Maybe...
41. Considered being a hooker? hahaha
42. Considered being a pimp? hahahaha
43. Are you psycho? hahaha
44. Split personalities? Jimmy has many Facets
45. Schizophrenic? no
46. Obsessive? hahaha no
47. Obsessive compulsive? no..
48. Panic? Only in the mornings
49. Anxiety? nope
50. Depressed? Only in the mornings
51. Suicidal? Only in the mornings
52. Obsessed with hate? love and peace man...
53. Dream of mutilated bodies? hahaha thats some messed up shit
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? hahaha *cough* physco *physco*
56. What would you be doing? haha What does that even mean?
58. What are you listening to? "Falling" Ben Kweller
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? Oh god you've never seen my monkey feet??!!! that and I can put my legs over my head
60. Chicken or fish? fish
61. Do you have a favourite animal? Osprey
Current Clothes: shorts that are too big, sandles, and a unionbay shirt
Current Mood: creative
Current Taste: smores
Current Hair: short... I guess
Current Annoyance: No paper to write on...
Current Smell: stuffy nose... so nothing
Current thing I ought to be doing: my homework
Current Desktop Picture: poker
Current Favorite Groups: Strangefolk
Current Book: reading? poetry book
Current Refreshment: none.. i need to get me some though
Current Worry: school
Current Crush: how many fucking times are you going to ask about crushes!?
Current Favorite Celebrity: I'm not to fond of celebrities
Food: chicken sandwich
Drink: white chocolate mocha
Color: green
Shoes: sandles
Candy: snickers
Animal: Osprey
TV Show: I dunno...
Movie: Super Troopers
Dance: what?
Vegetable: hmmm...asparagus yuuum
Fruit: watermelon

Understanding: yes
Arrogant: no
Insecure: no
Interesting: you bet ya
Hungry: nope
Friendly: yes
Smart: kinda
Moody: nope
Independent: not really
Hard working: nope
Organized: nope
Healthy: more now then i used to be
Emotionally Stable: yea
Shy: can be at times
Difficult: when i want to be
Attractive: oh god yes
Bored Easily: I can find enjoyment in most anything
Thirsty: yes
Responsible: yes, when it's important
Sad: not really
Happy: yep
Trusting: yea
Talkative: I can be, but I like to listen mostly
Different: In my own special way
Lonely: sometimes

Birthday: april 24th
Siblings: 2 brothers... 1 twin, 1 older
Righty or lefty? righty
How do you describe yourself: God's gift to earth... ;)
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