
Nov 30, 2008 22:44

As in,.....

Spent the Thanksgiving week down in Baja (Ensenada), soaking up sun and generally avoiding much serious thought.  But, of course, that never lasts....

My local-area symphony debut is coming up mid-month, and there are tantalizing rumors of another filmscore and videogame gigs scuttling around the edges, too.  Ve shell zee....

Got back Friday morning, and have been generally futtering around since then.
Sort of unpacked my suitcase, downloaded all the pics I took (off both my cell AND the camera), but beyond that?.... 
Nah.  Not a whole helluva lot.  
(Then again, I went nuts before I left home to ensure I wouldn't have anything piled up or unseemly waiting for me when I got back.  I HATE coming back to undone crap!)

The weather is predictably sucky.  Winter is just about here.
There was SO much fog around today that I think I only was out doing some grockery shopping and bank-visiting for barely an hour - it felt like Sherlock Holmes' London for most of the day today!  Pea-soup.

Hopefully the sun I ingested down south will last me through till spring.


travel, blather, life, reality, vacations

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