Jun 25, 2006 11:35
My family is completely loopy and I love them!!! Shows you all where I get it, don't it?? ;-)
Mom: "Sam why don't you play a CD in the DVD player?"
I go get my CD case and start listing off the CDs I have so my grandmother can pick: "Let's see, I have a loads of barbershop, Italian arias, the complete Handel's Messiah..."
Mom: "Because that's definitely a normal teenager's CDs..."
Yes. That would be me.
I went to a Lutheran church service this morning. My dad grew up Lutheran so it was pretty cool. I didn't realize how close the Lutheran tradition was to Catholicism. I really enjoyed the service. We never sing hymns at Crossway. Too bad I was the only teenager there - why was it mostly very old people?
Well I'm making plans for the next few days. Looks like I'll go tour University of WI's music department, which should be cool - I'm crossing my fingers that there'll be a music theory class I can go to! :-) There's a local theater so I'm trying to go see a Shakespeare. What a dork I am. Wednesday and Thursday I'm spending with Uncle Jon, Aunt Donna, and my cousins Megan, Christopher, Austin, and Emily. Emily who is sooo modest (not). Emily: "Why are you picking me up?" Me: "Because you're a pretty princess!" Emily: "I know!" But then, she's 5.
Gonna be lunch soon so I'm going to go. Miss you all. Hope you're having wonderful crazy days even without me!
Love Sam