Jun 22, 2005 23:06
I hit a bit of a wall with my IS and got all bummed out about it. I decided what I need to do is take a few days off, I've made good progress lately and I know I shouldn't stress out about it. Easier said then done.
Awhile ago the building I work in was struck by lighting. The power surge blew out a number of the network switches in the server room. Unfortunately my laptop happened to be plugged into an ethernet jack that was serviced by one of those switches. The power surge fried the laptops ethernet controller chip. Thankfully the building is also wireless, so at the very least I can still connect. Damned inconvenient though.
I didn't end up seeing Die Fledermaus, the performance was sold out. Ended up seeing Iolanthe instead, a whimsical opera by Gilbert and Sullivan. It was a decent production, the OLO is no Washington Opera but nevertheless I throughly enjoyed it. Certainly beats sitting in the office pretending to do work.
I've been feeling homesick lately. I'm usually alright, least when im getting out and doing things. Lately there hasn't been much to keep me occupied. Bored and lonely, thats what I've been telling people. Home in three weeks, then roughly a month and a half before the semester starts. Everything has it's ups and downs, hopefully this weekend will motivate me to get back on track with my work.