Aug 09, 2005 17:04
Ok so things that have happened to me in the last few days. Well the biggest and most life changing thing is that on Sunday night I tore a ligament in my ankle and possibly fractured the growth plate in my foot/ankle. I did this by rolling my ankle drastically while roughousing/wrestling/being stupid with my friends and little brother. This as you might have guessed has brought about a few lifestyle changes for me. For instance I can't move nearly as fast as I usually can unless I use crutches, and I really hate crutches. Also I have taken to wearing a gel brace for my ankle so that it can't roll any more and that has made life considerably easier. I guess I should be happy that thought it still hurts a lil bit to walk on it I can at least walk on it without like extreme pain in my muscles in my foot. I go in for another X-ray tomorrow and they will then tell me if my growth plate is indeed fractured or if it isn't and how extensive the damamge to the rest of my foot is.
On the lighter side the boys sleep over last night was a tremendous success. I personally enjoyed it emensly and I think that everyone else present did too even the "Crashers" (actually just girls that were invited and we didn't make leave for some reason I wonder why???????). And we also consumed over ninety dollars worth of pizza and pop (don't worry my parents decided to pay). Though other interesting things did happen for money (but we won't go into that now will we???). Twas fun seeing Matt and Shane dressed up as P.I.M.P.S. even though they left before we could even start to film a movie and by the time they got back the interest in doing it had waned. Though Emily and Rachel were happy that they left. I think that the best quote from the evening was said by a Mrs. Rachel Rice "She's got some tats, shat" refering to another person who shall remain nameless.
Footloose is going marvelously and I think that by the end of the week maybe the swelling in my foot will have gone down enough so that I can actually wear shoes in the show. Kinda doubt it though. Oh well just cause I'm a gimp doesn't mean I can't sing does it?
I'm kinda depressed right now because the end of the MTW season means that I have only a couple days over two weeks unil i have to start back up with school again. Though I love school and I find it a lot of fun to be there and see a lot of people that I really don't get to see anywhere else, it also means the beginning of wakeing up at six every morning again and also the beginning of having to do homework in the evenings (though I always seem to find justification to not do it ) I know I'm a horrible person. I am actually quite excited to go back to school and reconnect with old friends that I haven't seen all summer as well as to meet some new ones. I guess I really should be looking forward to this school year because it is my last year before IB really kicks in and I will have to really work my ass off every night.
Well I think I've rambled on for long enough.
Love ya all.