it's good to be back home

Apr 21, 2006 01:54

... and so once tax season is over right around spring break, me and my sibs and friends go on our annual trip to Reno, and since we don't have a van or a car big enough to take everyone we always take the greyhound bus. there was no problems going to reno (i got home late the night before and slept through most of the trip) but on the way back... the way back ::shudders::

we took 'local' route on the way back (more stops than the express that pretty much goes one way, so its a longer trip by an hour or so, it depends) which was packed and my sister and i had to sit behind this skinny old guy - who liked showing off his bare armpits a lot and really bad BO. we had our mp3 players and headphones on and so did he, but he would sing to his music, loudly and obnoxiously while making hand gestures. my sis had to make frequent trips to the bathroom to laugh or gag, i don't know.

once he got off a few hours later, we regained our sense of smell and it was fine. my sister then abandoned me when more seats cleared up and she wanted one somewhere in the back (so she could stare the hot-cowboy a few rows back). the bus got crowded again at the second to last stop ... and i decided to offer the unoccupied seat next to me to another guy in his 50s who was the last to get on. i should have blasted up my music the moment he said 'jesus and peace be with you' ...

first he seemed nice and started to make conversation by introducing himself and then asking my name. i gave it ... and then he asked how old i was - and looked disappointed saying that i was 'too young' and that he was fifty-five. um... okay... kinda creeped out right now.

then he offered me some candy - candy that already looked like it had be chewed and stuck right back in the wrapper ::gag:: <- as you can tell, i wanted Mr.BO back. but no, it just continued to get weird as he didn't STOP TALKING. first he gave me his long resume and how much money he makes selling cars (you'd figure he'd have one to drive himself from roseville to san francisco - i mean it's only around 100miles and about an 1hr and a half drive) ... so i just nodded along to his stories and listened to him prattle along about his dreams and fears - then finally religion came up and then the UFOs... how they're our friends and govt. coverups and how he saw them and how everything in history are related to them. i swear i thought he was joking, but he was completely serious and i wished a UFO would abduct me any moment.

finally, i had enough and decided to 'play dead' and closed my eyes and tuned him out. he kept talking and said something about "i think i'll take a nap too" then started talking to the indian passengers behind us. he did the same introduction, offered them candy ::shudder:: ... and then went straight to talking about the UFOs invading india ... and history, and there was just dead silence for a moment. i could so picture the look on everyone's faces going 'WTF?!' and he turned around to talk to the other passengers - asking where they were from - but didn't wait for an answer and tried to guess. then the UFOs came up again and there was more awkward silences.

before a UFO could abduct me, we arrived at our destination - and he almost followed me off the bus. but i pointed out that we were in sacramento, not san francisco, and he sat back down (or so i thought - when we got into our cars and headed off the parking lot, i saw him following a couple boarding passengers around).
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