Cats are not troublesome

Aug 19, 2008 01:56

Going to Georgia to get my student visa in... oh, about four hours. I can't sleep.

I'm at my mom's house right now, and am cuddling in particular with one of the cats I grew up with named TC. Now, TC is my special kitty. We joke all the time that if he were a person, he would be riding the short bus to school. He's really just not all that bright, but damn if he isn't adorable and one of the most friendly, cuddly cats I've ever known.

Apparently, a few days ago, TC disapeared and wouldn't come out when he was called. It freaked my mom out, but she found him. He hid for a few days and wouldn't eat and was having bad diarrhea. She took him to the vet, who explained that while this case isn't anything particularly noteworthy, diarrhea is a very common symptom in old cats of kidney and/or liver failure, and we've got to keep in the back of our minds that TC is an old-man cat. We got him when I was 11 or 12, so he's roughly about 12 or 13, so he's getting up there in his years.

He's doing alright now. Mom says his face has thinned a bit, and he just seems too tired to open his second set of eyelids all the way, so he kinda looks cross-eyed. But he's still the same, special ed kitty that I've known and loved, sleeping right now in the crook of my legs and purring up a storm while he twitches in his sleep.

I'm so afraid that, when I come home from Japan, my Ticka-boy isn't going to be around anymore.

Just that thought makes me cry.
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