I Hate Dumb People

Sep 04, 2005 23:14

Yes, I did a rant last night, but dumb people piss me off so much I decided to make another.

I hate dumb people, I really do. I hate that people have to cater down to them while all the non-dumb people suffer. For instance, I hated Mr. and Mrs. Smith because I have a brain. Guys tell me, "OMG BUTZ IT GOTZ ANGELINA JOLIE OMG SHEZ SO HOTTTZ!!!" Well listen dumbass, just because a good-looking woman is in the movie does not mean it is good. I found at least 5 glaring plotholes and did not think it was funny at all. When they start pulling out guns that neither they nor the mercs had, it's just kinda stupid. And the whole, "Married couple are two mercs working for rival organizations and don't know that the other is a merc" thing is just stupid. That and the "plot twist" of the whole them trying to kill each other thing just made me want to cry. No, it was not clever. No, it was not a good movie. Oh, and if any of you are mad I let out the big revelation, go watch a better movie.
I'm getting off track here, so back to the rant. Is it wrong for me to be pissed when people go, "Oh my God, are you reading that for fun?" when I pull out a book during class? No, I'm reading STEPHEN KING for BRITISH LITURATURE CLASS. And then I get a "look" when I tell them yes. Ok, have you noticed how big stores like Barnes & (that means "and") Noble and Borders are? Have you noticed 2/3 of the store is filled with BOOKS? READ FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! And then, I have SAT prep class. It should be called remedial (that means "special") SAT prep class. When the teacher is trying to teach us how to DO WELL ON THE SA FREAKING T. I have to sit through a bunch of "This is hard!" and "What does this word mean?" and "I'm going to do so bad on this." Well, guess what, I have some answers for you!
2. If you don't know what the word means, you're not alone, you don't have to know all of them. If you use common sense, you can figure a lot of them out. If not, LEAVE IT BLANK!
I never get to learn anything because Mr. Michael has to try to shut up half the class whenever we complete anything. I actually WANT to do well on the SAT, and you should too. If you're in my class and think I'm offending you, I have just one thing to say. STOP BEING SUCH A DUMBASS! I understand that people have different levels of intelligence, but if you just STOP RUNNING YOUR DAMN MOUTH AND LISTEN, you may actually find that what he says makes sense.
Oh, I'm not done yet. Last Bible class, we had a theological discussion on God, one of my personal favorite things to discuss. But do I get to express my opinion? NO! I get YELLED at for discussing my opinions and making the discussion longer than what THE LOWEST COMMON DEMONINATOR wanted. Guess what ASSWIPE, I actually WANT to discuss and learn things. THAT'S RIGHT, I WANT TO LEARN. If that sounds crazy to you, then tough, deal with it. So now, I'm going to try to drag everything out in that class. That's right, I hope you like it. If you don't want to learn, just shut up and zone out.
I also think everything should be seperated into honors and non-honors. It may make some people "feel bad" but tough. It really doesn't seperate the smart from the dumb, it seperates the people who WANT to learn from the people who don't give a shit. You know what really worries me though. Our school lets people in who don't know the meaning to "impervious." Think of what they DON'T let in. That alone scares me. Think about it. Scary huh?

So, dumb people, listen to me! Shut up and let people learn. I'm tired of having shitty classes because of you. Just sleep, the teachers and I will thank you.
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