Diana in Justice 12 - Let's keep those trends alive, apparently.

Jun 14, 2007 08:41

Justice 12 came out this week. I'm not the biggest fan of his paintings or his views, but sometimes he knocks it out of the ballpark. This isn't one of those times considering social trends and how female characters tend to be (courageous and self-sacrificing), but it's not terrible.

So, here's Diana's conclusion from the issue.

For those unaware? Daina was attacked by Priscilla (Cheetah) and given a curse that's... well, de-evolving(?) her back into clay. I'm a little sick of that plot device - she's not a golem - but it was handled pretty wonderfully here, so I'll just pretend it was another thing altogether.

At any rate, in the Cheetah city (no idea) there are humans held captive, so....

First? Awesome to see Kara leading the squad AND having a major villian base being headed by Poison Ivy. Angry Arthur is also teehee. Laughed at Plas.

Oh, Diana. See, here's the thing - this depection? It isn't wrong or out of character; Diana is brave, intelligent, compassionate and self-sacrificing. It's just irritating that the primary trait to be showcased in this entire thing is her self-sacrifice; because we all know good female characters tend to be characterized. Still, being the sucker I am, I enjoyed her internal dialogue about trying to save Priscilla at a time. You're about faith and redemption, Wonder Woman. But so, so much more.

I'll admit; I did almost cry when I saw that panel. Because of two things; one was that I was just sad to see her dying like this. More so? I was insanely.... proud? Inspired. Look at her continue to go while she's dying. It's once again re-enforcing that terrible trope that good women are self-sacrificing, but I was still touched because boo.

Also, headbutt for the win.


Diana as Jesus is a metaphor I can be down with. I suppose. Oh, Pieta. Look at you being sourced. Also - damnit, it's getting harder every time something like this comes out to say Diana isn't a golem. Once again, almost crying at Diana dusting away. Nice little amalgam of Golden Age & Silver Age continuity - Hippolyta's hair is golden in the sun, and in shadow it's brown. Yay! In the Golden Age, Hippolyte was a brunette. Silver Age, a blonde.

Best lines from the series from Hippolyta, personally. Bias is in order? Perhaps. Hippolyta, also acknowledge you are her mother and that relationship is important, but err I can live without it for now. And she's back! Hurrah for Aphrodite going all 'Sure, why not'. And the cheer is pretty sweet.

So, yes. Ross' Wonder Woman is courageous and self-sacrificing. He's not wrong in believing so, she is. But choosing those two traits to showcase more than the others while we live in a culture that expects good women to be courageous while having that equal self-sacrificing doesn't sit right with me.

Still, Diana was a strong figure in the parts she played. It could be worse. She could have been a shitfucker.

And because I was happy to see them/her. :D


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