Jun 13, 2007 11:58

Comics Day!~ Bwahahah. So, before I start ranting about how Donna got jobbed this week - let's make sure we don't forget how the current MARVEL seems to dislike the cute. Or something.

Anyways, New X-Men 39 pages.

I didn't put up the other plotline, because it didn't really have characters I cared about so much. Hope (Trance) gets back to the Institute to tell Noriko & Julian that David died and the like. David was healed by Josh reforming his heart via super healing powers, Omega-potential reached already. X-23 was killed because she's a clone; unfortunately she'll be back. Cessily is mad with Sooraya.

Meanwhile, with minor student world...

Skottie Young's art continues to impress for the most part (some of his justification for character re-design didn't make so much sense contextually - I'm thinking of Julian - but it's great on the whole). The kids look awesome, and I'm particularly loving Nehzno's look; more and more typical it may be with each day. Also, aww poor Victor. Hugs for you. <3

LOVE YOU MEGAN. Clearly then, you are the one to die. Also, I suppose Ben would be a little freaked out and not knowing what to do in Limbo - it still didn't sit well enough with me considering he was the former squad leader and seemed to be confident about it. Still, this is FUCKING INSANE so it's not a big deal.

So is that Nehzno's mysterious ability? He seemed to do something different last issue altogether - and this being me, I can't find a common link anywhere so I'll just wait until it's clearly defined. I hope it's not just Hulking out. Maybe his ability is similar to Lifeguard from X-Treme? No he's knocked out. Damnit.

I am bad girl Illyana. Look at me be a dirty, dirty girl. Thanks alot, guys. We really appreciate this total subversion of typical gendered villianizOH WAIT THIS DOES NOTHING. Oh, Soulsword.

I had to start laughing at Ben for some reason. I was like 'Is he still there?!'. Anole, it doesn't hurt because you are clearly awesome. Look, let's molest the blind Japanese girl! She's clearly in a bad mode, which also means slutty LAWLS. Goddess....

Loa protecting Virtue! Blasted away! Dundundun. Now, because like Paul Dini said, nice sweet characters are boring as sin apparently - we must remove Megan's virtue! Once she gets MySpace, then she'll be interesting. LISTEN TO ANOLE, MEGAN. LISTEN TO HIM.

I skipped the page were Ben and Nick were going to save her but Illyana blasted them away and is all 'Oh man, now it's only the dirty girl me'. Well, not really but along those lines. ANYWAYS TIME TO CURROPT.


Goddamnit, I miss this book before HOM.


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