Feb 08, 2015 16:15
My passion is to help people reach their highest potential in all areas of health, wealth and happiness.
My program will concentrate on the mind, body and soul of every unique individual. Without these three components working together there can be no equanimity or balance in life and resistance prevents success.
The schedule will be a four week program as follows:
Week 1: We will work on the mind and help to clear any resistance to change therefore creating a calm space for learning.
Week 2: We will then work on the spirit which will train the uncluttered mind to live in the "now" and to be your truest and authentic self without the need for the many masks that we tend to use.
Week 3: We will work on the health of the body. I will design a nutrition program specifically to meet the needs of the unique client and share my secrets of why at the age of 53 I am on no form of medication.
Week 4: We will work on the fitness of the body. I will design a fitness program specifically to meet the needs of the client at that time.
Week 5: Personal training session to ensure that the fitness program is being used correctly.
During the five week period the client will have access to me via email with me providing full support on any questions that may arise between consultations.
My aim is that after the completion of the program I will have inspired and empowered you to strive for your goals and improve your lives.