Last week I went to New York with the 4H. It was so much fun, well not so much my first 2 classes, but the people I met. Sam(roch), Jason(roch), Brandon(Hillsboro) and Morgan(Hillsboro) were the ones I hungout with. We're all getting together at my house this Sunday and I'm beyond super excited! Jason, Morgan, Brandon, and I went contra dancing on like Friday night I think.. I danced with a lot of old sweaty guys, but it was too fun not to. I'm excited that my lj works again, but I've become a trader and moved to myspace...I know it was a crazy mistake. I hate it although I've become strangely addicted to it. Cam came home yesterday, but he has to leave tonight. On friday I went to Paige's little party and I'm really happy I made an appearance cause I felt so good about it after. I've missed her a lot, and her stepmom asked me to be her gardian adlightom. ( I know I spelt that way wrong)...
Looking like a 4H clover? I think so <3 haha
Well, I really have nothing to say...I just wanted to update with pictures, like always <3! Oh, wait. Nina and I have a class together next semester and I'm so excited because I miss my best friend <3<3<3
Sam and Jason wasting their money <3
I love my new friendssss && glass elevators <3
Ackerman, Sam, Jason, Sam's stupid friends who felt compelled to laugh at me :-/
Aw, Sarah and I...blinded by the light
Birdwatching like the cool kid that I am? lol
Sam & Jason candid
Morgan & Brandon candid
1/2 of jason, Brandon, & Morgan...trying to be ghetto hahaha
Glass elevators=love.
Blury pic of the NH people, cool kids at the top <3 My roomie 3rd in on the left...