what would jimmy buffet do

Jun 01, 2005 18:17

FOr the 3 day weekend, I went to our camp. Heidi brought faggot-man and I was incredibly mean
to him becuase he deserved it <3! Cam, Carrie, Travis, Heidi, Ali, Jake, and I went
bowling/pool playing/karaoke singing, it was tons of fun! I absolutely loove bowling even though
I am NOT so good :)
Yesterday I had 2 sign-ins so it was an incredibly easy day. This weekend me and C-Ron are going to the Big and Rich concert, I'm muy excited for that!
I'm really stressed out lately.
I need to find a boy to crush on 
 Comment pahleaseee

The 6 Quiz

If you had to save just 6 people who would they be?
1 Heidi
2 Carrie
3 Haydee
4 Nina
5 Chels
6 Alyssa
If you had to take 6 things on an island what would they be
1 Friends
2 Internet
3 Bathing suit
4 paper & pen
5 camera
6 chapstick

If you had to watch 6 shows for the rest of your live what would they be
1 Full House
2 Next
3 The OC
5 7th Heaven
6 Big Brother

If you had to listen to just 6 bands/singers/groups for the rest of your life who would they be?
1 Sublime
2 Greenday
3 Blink
5 Tim McGraw
6 Saves the Day

Who was the last person you talked to online? Chels
Who have you known the longest? Heidi & Carrie
Who do you talk to online the most? HB
Who do you talk to on the phone most? Heidi
Who do you trust the most? Heidi, Haydee, Chels, Nina
Who listens to your problems? Alyssa Halliday
Who do you fight with the most? I'm not sure? Nina maybe?...small ones...2 seconds
Who is the shyest? Nina
Who is the nicest? Haydee
Who is the one that makes you laugh most? Deb
Who is the most outgoing? Haydee
Who is the smartest? Alyssa
Who is the ditziest? Devan <3
Who is the best singer? I'd have to say a group of my friends are good singers
-CH,TH,HC,- car rides=priceless


...to disappoint you? Heidi
...to ask you out? Todd
...to make you cry? Heidi
...brighten up your day? All <3
...that you thought about? I've been thinking about a lot of them for this quiz thing
...you went to the movies with? Chels
...you talked to on the phone? Haydee
...who slept in your bed? Heidi lol
...you shared a drink with? Devan
...you talked to on AIM? Chels
...you saw? Haydee, Alyssa, Gwen, Jackie...student council
...you talked on the phone all night with? Kris

Three Things That Scare Me:
1. Not succeeding
2. Being hated
3. The dark

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Deb
2. Heidi
3. Kris

Three Things I Love:
1. Being IMed first by someone I like <3!
2. Traveling
3. Friends & Family

Three Things I Hate:
1. playersss
2. liars
3. spiders

Three Things I Don't Understand:
1. Boys
2. math
3. most sports :(

Three Things I Want To Be:
1. Idolized
2. In love
3. successful

Three Things On My Desk:
1. mail
2. cd's
3. iTunes gift card

Three Things I'm Doing Right Now:
1. Taking this
2. Listening to music
3. Thinking life over

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Fall in love
2. Have kids
3. Have a job I enjoy

Three Things I Can Do:
1. Write
2. Knit
3. sing

Three Ways To Describe My Personality:
1. Shy around new people (I hate that...)
2. funny
3. nice

Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. Saves The Day
2. DOTs--T. Pott's band
3. Sublime

Three Favourite Foods:
1. French toast!
2. Pizza
3. Seafood

Three Things I'd Like To Learn:
1. Multiple languages
2. To be myself ALL the time
3. To let looooose :)

Three Beverages I Drink Regularly:
1. Orange Juice
2. BLue Powerade!
3. water

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