All About Me....
Name Four Bad Habits You Have
1. Shaking my leg when i have nothing to do.
2. Biting my nails
3. not paying attention when people talk to me
4. driving around when i'm bored
Name Four Things That You Wish You Had
1. A Car that won't break down every other week!
2. A better job
3. A b/f (sometimes...i just want to cuddle and hold his hand)
4. A better body
Name Four Scents You Love
1. Sweet Pea
2. AXE!!!!
3. Spearmint
4. Fresh Laundry
Name Four People That Know You the Best (as of right now)
1. James
2. Sarah
3. My Brother
Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. Some guy....
2. What i'm going to do tomorrow
3. What song should i download
4. What movie is on
Name Four Things That You Have Done Today
1. Worked
2. Saw The Brothers Grimm w/James
3. Got some ice cream w/james again
4. And drove around looking for scary things w/james again!
Name The Last Four Things You have Bought
1. Ticket
2. Ice Cream
3. Gas (waited a long to get it though!!!)
4. ....
Name Four Bands/Groups Most People Don't Know You Like
1. Rascal Flatts
2. ColdPlay
3. Bloc Party
4. Hidden In Plain View
Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink
1. Water
Last Words You Said?
Yeah Right
Last Song You Sang?
Coldplay ~ Fix You
Last Person You Hugged?
Its been a long time....can't remember
Last Thing You Laughed At?
Me and James driving around...
Last Time You Said 'I Love You' to And Meant it?
Never said it and meant it....(not even to my parents!)
Last Time You Cried?
Friday i think...sad movie
Last Compliment you Recieved?
your such a hard worker.....thanks for doing such a wonderful job...(from work)
What's In Your CD Player?
The Used (old cd)....kinda don't have the new one anymore
What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
What's Under Your Bed?
a lot of shoes and random stuff...
What Time Did you Wake Up Today?
9am. I had to work at 10a.m.
Current Hair?
up and messy like always
Current Clothes?
Current Annoyance?
Blisters on my feet
Current Longing?
To have someone (b/f)
Current Desktop Picture?
Current Worry?
When am i going to leave?
Current Hate?
living in this house!
Favorite Physical Feature Of the Opposite Sex?
Eyes, Smile and Butt
Favorite Place To Be?
Any where away from my parents
Least Favorite Place?
This house and crystal gardens
Worked from 10am-2p.m ish (Set-up). After came home...went to the movies w/james. After the movies we got some ice cream and walked around wyandotte. Then we went driving around for a long time looking for scary roads. We were in places we didn't know. One point i almost hit a mail box. lol. I hit james 2 times in the accident. oOo and i got gas today...waited about 10mins or longer to get it though! Gas is getting crazy. BUSH SUCKS! Now i'm going to try and fall asleep...