Mar 12, 2005 18:47
so last night Kasey called me(he spells it funny) and wanted to go out with me! we went and rented these really random movies called "how to draw a bunny" about some dead pop artist Ray Johnson. it was interesting, to put it simply. and "how (L) huckabees which was equally odd. to be quite honest both movies gave me headaches they confused me. but around ten to eleven i had to go and we got up off the couch and he said you know that when i say it's time to take you home i really mean we should make out now. and i could barely surpress the feeling to say yeah it's about time. so we kissed and to be quite honest it was really nice, he was a gentleman he didn't try to feel me up, and he didn't even use his tongue. but it was nice it was the first time i've ever kissed a guy and felt something. i mean sure i've liked all the other kisses but this time i wasn't thinking about anything else when i kissed him.but i finally understand now what all these other girls have been going on about, i'm not afraid of wanting a relationship. when i dated nick i was nervous he would call, but with Kasey i'm nervous he won't call. because what if he decided he doesn't like me or decided i'm not pretty and he made a mistake. i don't know maybe i'm paranoid, but i really want him to like me.