There was a fire! (oh, well, everyone knew that, but--) No one got hurt, did they!? I wonder what kind of idiot who would want to set a place as hazardous as the chemistry lab on fire.
I had lots of fun at the dance, even though the end of the night was full of confusion. Does anyone know exactly who it was that spiked the punch?
Ah--oh! Just in case anyone forgot, we still have tennis practice next week! I think Ichimaru-sensei said something about doubles, but I'm not sure just yet.
I'm sorry for.. disappearing at the end of the night. I couldn't find you and it was late, and.. complications arose. I'm so, so so so sorry about that! I didn't mean to! Can I make it up to you somehow? I'm sorry..!
Thank you for taking me home after the dance.
.. It was really nice.
I think I left my bracelet in your car. Uhm, do you have it..?
Why am I so selfish? Kira-kun was my date. I should have gone to look for him. He's my friend after all, but--Aizen-sensei was there and I couldn't find Kira-kun. So we danced.
Then the gym closed.
And we kept dancing.
And I really liked it.
[ooc: Uhm, yeah, Shia and I totally have a log coming for this whole thing, but like. D: We're lazy and haven't finished it yet. Sorry!]