Today i'm soooo bored. Actually not exactly bored, but i'm in that crappy know, when the weather is changing and its getting cold and rainy and you need to wear 29873 cloths. Yep, that mood! lol
I have like one million things that i need to get done and it seems that i cant put myself together to do even one of them. Imagine that instead of doing something usufull yesterday, i was fulling around all day with my boyfriend in yahoo messenger. I know i know, theres nothing bad in fulling around with your bf but come messenger?? Like we live too far away lol.
I'm thinking on changing my layout again, but i dunno what to do. I wanted to make a new header, but my mind is sooo empty, i'm not even sure if i remember how to use photoshop hahaha. Yes yes i knowwwww...i suck :P
Anyway the other day i said, that i was gonna upload some Ty Herndone here you go. From his interview at Love Radio 97.5, from the soundcheck and from the consert.
PS: As you see am a good Kat and i dont mention Feds loss vs Nalbandian :P