Jun 24, 2005 00:28
lets see were do i start..umm..well lets start the 5th of june...that was the first time i found out about brandon's accident..with the drunk driver i didnt think something like that could happen to one of my friends i never realized that it could happen to my friend..i always just saw it in the newspaper..but yea..well i went to the hospital to see him and his doctor told him he was going to be paralyzed from the waist down...the first thing in brandon's mind was what am i going to do...i cant ever play sports ever again..sports are his life...they never caught the driver he ran after hitting brandon's car...i thought my bad news had stopped but it just kept coming...a week later nicole calls wondering what happened to TREY...i say i dont know and call tyler...tyler told me he was in an accident and died...the week after brandon..now TREY is dead..i was sitting/standing during the funeral..they read a paper TREY wrote in 6th grade..i helped him write..about the water cycle..at the funeral i was just waiting for him to just walk in the room and make everyone laugh...but he never showed up...til this day i remember when he walked into 6th grade with a black eye...and i was having a bad day that day and when i asked him what happen he said i got in a fight with my neighbors mail box and it won...just like i will never forget the time when we were at school and he broke his arm..i was the first one to sign his cast i signed it everywhere he got so made at me...cause there was no other places to sign....i finally got over TREY and then i hear that another one of my friends ANNA and NICK were in an accident by a drunk driver and they are in the hospital...a week from TREY'S death ANNA and NICK..die...and to make it worse they found out the say driver who hit brandon was the same guy who hit ANNA and NICK so if the police officers would have did there jobs to begin with the ANNA and NICK would still be alive...yea the summer stinks...so i went to their funeral today..fun stuff..je and nate thanks alot this past week....and je i am going to kill peter for that song..i love he said she said song though..that it is a good song..but yea...i think that is up to date..and this really hot guy that i like i think...but besides that....oh and the internship was fun thanks..well shoulder hurts...leaving for clemson sunday...heck yea..kelley i am at the dorms near the football field...just so you know come see me at the tennis court...
<3 MAY