Do you have a Tennant community or a journal that we are not currently linking to? Leave a note in the comments and we'll add you to the
dt_watch reading list.
Off LJ Links
Big Chief Studios announces new Tenth Doctor figureTennantnews:
Special Shakespeare offer from Digital TheatreTennantnews:
David's Doctor named as a Scottish 'Innovation' by The IndependentTennantnews:
Watch David Tennant on the NerdistTennantnews:
What's on Stage voting reminderTennantnews:
Win a copy of Much Ado About NothingTennantnews:
Decoy Bride at Glasgow Film FestivalTennantnews:
Earthflight clips Discussion and Miscellany
develish1 has a Tuxday Tuesday picspamchloris67 has a picspam of Fright Night and Much Ado Communities
dt_pic_daily: January 13
Comic Relief Appeal | January 14
Hamlet | January 17
Einstein and Eddington | January 18
Much Ado About Nothing | January 19
Much Ado About Nothing Fanfic
I Met a Traveller 4/? by
wildwinterwitch (Dave/Rose, Single Father/Doctor Who, T)
5 times Jerry was creepy + 1 time he was almost sweet by
jadecorpsebride (Peter/Jerry, Fright Night, PG-13)
Bound to learn (Lessons in Lust) (Part 2/2) by
hidden_n_hot (Brendan Block/Jenny, Doctor Who/Secret Smile, NC-17: D/s, Explicit Sex, BDSM, strong language)
Fanart - Icons and Graphics
just_denise has some lovely fanart portraituredarkbunnyrabbit has a fanvid: "
In My Veins" (Doctor Who/Taken Over the Asylum, PG)
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