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Tennant jests in Much AdoThe Jewish Chronicle:
Review: Much Ado About NothingThe Oxfordshire Times:
Much Ado About Nothing Discussion and Miscellany
develish1 has a quick squee after seeing Much Ado and then passes it over to her husband for
a proper reviewdevelish1 links to a "gutter reveiw" of Much Adochloris67 has
a stage door photo from Much Adoarkadelos talks DT and CT on Graham Nortonchloris67 has a David Tennant on His Back picspam Communities
dt_pic_daily: June 10
Doctor Who | June 11
Duck Patrol | June 12
The Decoy Bride | June 13
Fright Night | June 14
Parkinson | June 15
What the Butler Saw tennantitis: June 14
Doctor Who |
The Day I Met You 29/? by
wildwinterwitch (Dave/Rose, Single Father/Doctor Who, T)
Fanart - Icons and Graphics
canarycream has
some David Tennant icons You can reach us in the comments or at