Scifiangel The TARDIS Goes Back to the Future (Ten/Jack) [G] SNORT WARNING!

Jun 22, 2013 10:00

Title: The TARDIS Goes Back to the Future
Artist: Scifiangel
Pairing: Ten/Jack
Rating: G
Warnings and Spoilers: Snort warning! Put the drink down!
Disclaimer: I don't own our lovely boys. They belong to the BBC. I make no money from this, much to my sorrow. Full disclaimer under cut.

Summary: What it says on the tin.

Author's notes: This is total CRACK and totally my husband's fault! I was just going through my Doctor Who pictures to sort them and he leans over and says, "You know what would be funny... ?"

It's moments like this that make me realize why I married him. He's as crazy as I am.

The TARDIS Goes Back to the Future

tv series: doctor who, fanworks: fanart

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