A new member commented that things have been a little quiet around here recently, and she's right. I realised I've been a little remiss in sharing stuff here myself of late, so this is a small attempt to remedy that.
As for getting to see it, it's been made in association with BBC Worldwide, rather than simply the BBC, so it should get a pretty wide release, but if all else fails., there is a DVD release planned too
I'm drooling over the tux myself, but then I apparently have a "thing" for him in a tux, lol
it's scheduled to air in the UK 9th and 16th January on BBC Four at 9pm and will be repeated each week on BBC HD on the following Saturdays at 11pm. For the US, I believe it's due to air on Wednesdays 6th and 13th February
lovely, thanks! Am really looking forward to this. I assume BBCAmerica is still planning to air it in US, as it's still on their web site. However it's been completely absent from their recent, fairly intense, promotion of their 2013 shows. It was nowhere to be seen in their "Coming in 2013" highlight reel that's been airing frequently (and during the Doctor Who Christmas special). When I didn't see it anywhere, I asked, via their Facebook page, if they were still planning to air it in early 2013 but haven't seen a response. Would be really annoying if they're airing it but for whatever reason not bothering to promote it. If you're so inclined, send BBCA a message (facebook and twitter probably best).
Comments 21
As for getting to see it, it's been made in association with BBC Worldwide, rather than simply the BBC, so it should get a pretty wide release, but if all else fails., there is a DVD release planned too
it's scheduled to air in the UK 9th and 16th January on BBC Four at 9pm and will be repeated each week on BBC HD on the following Saturdays at 11pm. For the US, I believe it's due to air on Wednesdays 6th and 13th February
need a cloth, coz I have a spare, lol
And I'm fine, thank you, lol.
lovely, thanks! Am really looking forward to this.
I assume BBCAmerica is still planning to air it in US, as it's still on their web site. However it's been completely absent from their recent, fairly intense, promotion of their 2013 shows. It was nowhere to be seen in their "Coming in 2013" highlight reel that's been airing frequently (and during the Doctor Who Christmas special). When I didn't see it anywhere, I asked, via their Facebook page, if they were still planning to air it in early 2013 but haven't seen a response. Would be really annoying if they're airing it but for whatever reason not bothering to promote it. If you're so inclined, send BBCA a message (facebook and twitter probably best).
I've been a bit out of the loop with Tennanty things, but certainly looking forward to Spies of Warsaw coming out--it looks great.
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