Title: She Hates Me
darkbunnyrabbitSong Title/Band: She Hates Me, by Puddle of Mudd (explicit)
Rating: The video is PG, the song is R
Series: Secret Smile
Summary: Lots of SPOILERS for Secret Smile.
Now this is mostly just a crack, silly video that amused me to make, but if you want a structured plot you have two options:
A: Brendan is a dweeb who takes 500 years to take a hint when a girl's not into him, but he's not really nefarious, just clueless. To a horrible fault.
B: Imagine if you will Miranda is a total nutjob who's been over reacting and imagining coincidences that just aren't there about Brendan, and thus harasses and stalks a pretty normal dude for no apparent reason, until she pushes him far enough he starts snapping back. Then she frames him for murder. Because dude, she really doesn't like him.
Here --
Title: Hey Jude
darkbunnyrabbitSong Title/Band: Hey Jude, by The Beatles
Rating: PG
Series: Takin' Over the Asylum
Summary: SPOILERS for the entirety of Takin' Over the Asylum.
Hey Jude is the obvious choice for a straight up series tribute, and this. Or, more specifically, it's a tribute to the populace of St. Jude's. There's next to nothing of anything that's not directly related to St. Jude's, because even with a stupidly long song I only have so much space, and those things didn't really apply to St. Jude's.
To be articulate, this follows the story of how Eddie and the radio station impacts the lives of the people involved and listening, and how they in turn affect his life.