Closing date for Petition to have Much Ado about Nothing filmed and released to DVD

May 11, 2011 21:00

Thank you to everyone who has supported the Petition to have Much Ado about nothing filmed and released to DVD. This is one last post to encourage anyone who has not yet signed to please add your signature to the list of over 920 others. The petition will close at midnight EDT on the 15th May, 2011. It will then be forwarded into the right hands at the production company and hopefully we'll be gven some kind of response. We hope it will be of the positive kind.

Link to the petition -

There is also a facebook site dedicated to the petition -

Please pass this on to everyone you know and feel free to blog, twitter, facebook or tumblr it to as many contacts as you can during this last few days.

Everyones help and support has bee wonderful. Thank you so much.

!community: fannish activities

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