Round 4 Challenge 1 results

Sep 17, 2009 23:58

Thanks to everyone who voted! And sorry again that it took so long^^


by whovianluv

by purpleperil

Thanks for your entries, I hope you stick around for future votings :)


by sequanne


by dana_cz
While David himself seems a bit pale, I love what you did with the background!

If you want a banner let me know in a comment. Banners will be made for people's choice and mod's choice, they might take a while though^^

the voting results:
01. 0
02. -2 +2 = 0
03. +2
04. +1
05. +5
06. -3
07. -6 +1 = -5
08. +2
09. -2 +1 = -1
10. -2 +1 = -1
11. -5 +2 = -3
12. -10
13. -4

find your icon number here

the reasons given for the votes:

02. negative: 2 | positive: 2
- the icon is way too dark and because of the using of b/w it looks really grey and depressing --> maybe a bit more contrast would already have helped
- too dark
+ The contrast between light and dark, the grey and the light of shade of his skin makes for a nice combination I think. He really stands out well against that background.
+ the black and white is very well done

03. negative: 0 | positive: 2
+ nice and simple. good coloring and use of negative space.
+ Great crop, contrast and shadows!

04. negative: 0 | positive: 1
+ no comment

05. negative: 0 | positive: 5
+ Great crop.
+ I love the crop, and the texture used!
+ I love the cropping on this one and the coloring really makes his eyes pop out at you!
+ great cropping
+ no comment

06. negative: 3 | positive: 0
- The aspect ratio seems off and while it's a nice idea with the text, the red & purple colours clash with the b/w image. Perhaps it would be better if the image itself was in colour or everything b/w or with just one colour. Good idea but poorly executed.
- Text too small
- red text doesn't go well with the purple background

07. negative: 6 | positive: 1
- yellow skin isn't flattering to the image ot the icon.
- A bit too saturated/yellow. Nice crop, but the skin is too prominent for there not being a bit of texture/other coloring.
- it looks like it's been coloured in three blocks - yellow, red and blue, and the blocks don't seem to connect visually with each other.
- David's face has a yellow tint which makes him appear sickly. A bit less of the yellow and the icon would have been great.
- the colorizing attempt, while done very well, is still just a little off putting. If just the suit and shirt had been done, that would have been much less jarring to the eye.
- the strong yellow colouring in david's face is highly unflattering, making him look horribly jaundiced, particularly next to his now blue clothing.
+ Nice and bright. Just looks wonderful.

08. negative: 0 | positive: 2
+ great crop & colouring
+ great crop for this image and it eliminates the 'head on a pole' appearance the original has to it.

09. negative: 2 | positive: 1
- The icon is a little blurred as well as being quite pale.
- The text bleeds into DT and it makes it difficult to read/focus on. It also looks a bit odd against his ear.
+ Fantastic Text

10. negative: 2 | positive: 1
- the texture used next to his face is a bit distracting.
- the icon is a bit too sharp and the textures are too striking and distracting to the eye
+ great coloring --> means that background and DT pic go along very well, another bonus is the sharpness of the pic, also the icon has a nice crop

11. negative: 5 | positive: 2
- David himself seems to be lost in the background.
- The smaller graphic of him makes it difficult to distinguish the features of the individual in the icon. Also, the darker shading used on DT with the dark red background does not make the focal point of the icon (David Tennant) stand out enough IMO.
- coloring seemed a bit too bright with the darker background.
- icon is too sharp and the overall colouring is too dark.
- too small
+ Although there is a little bit too much contrast in the icon, I like the cropping of the icon.
+ The background is great and fits really well with the size/crop of David, putting even more focus on him.

12. negative: 10 | positive: 0
- The icon is less focused (as in more blurry) than the other twelve. The words on the text are fine, but every word capitalized is a bit excessive. The font itself doesn't seem to fit very well, I think it would have been better to go with a simple font.
- There appear to be some jpeg artifacts throughout the icon that make the icon appear quite pixelated and a touch oversharpened. They're especially evident between the text. Font choice is difficult to read and text placement and spacing is awkward. Coloring of david makes him appear very pale.
- The text is a bit plain; could use contrast in size, effects, etc
- the text is poorly worked into the image and overpowering.
- The compression of the image has made the icon very grainy and the text used does not go with the icon.
- The icon is pixellated and the text and font don't really fit the image.
- the text is too big and draws too much of the attention away from the DT pic, which is also too blurry and looks almost a bit pale (maybe more sharpness and a bit more contrats would have helped here too)
- David looks a bit too washed out/pale in comparison to the red background. Also, the area around the text is very pixelated.
- The icon looks somewhat blurry around David and the text, making the quality seem slightly poor. Also the large text is a bit overpowering
- the text placement is quite unflattering as part of the overall composition as it looks unbalanced. a smaller font with the words closer together placed entirely in the negative space (rather than overlapping david) would look better.

13. negative: 4 | positive: 0
- the texture appears very grainy and is distracting from the main subject. The button in the background sticks out from the flowy background. David appears a bit pixelated.
- David looks completely washed out and the background is really off-putting.
- the colouring on his face is to over exposed, and there isn't enough contrast there.
- The areas of desaturation are quite jarring when put with the colourful texture in the background.

please let me know if you notice any mistakes. Also, please tell me if you'd rather have longer reasons next time (i.e. I'll ask voters to provide more detailed reason if they're too short). I know some of these are pretty short, and if there's a majority here that prefers more details, we can do that ;)

I'll post the new challenge in a bit :)

round 4, round 4 challenge 1, round 4 results, results, challenge 1

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