round 3 challenge 8 results

May 12, 2008 23:41


by dgtall

by marcal_92

Thanks for your entries, hope you stick around for future votings :)


by diablo_dancer

MOD'S CHOICE chosen by ottinger0980

by robas
"I love the simple layout, the easy to read text, and the way the image was extended past the original top of the image. Nicely done!"

If you want a banner let me know in a comment. Banners will be made for people's choice and mod's choice.

The entries again:







the voting results:
01. -3 +1 = -2
02. +1
03. -4
04. -2 +1 = -1
05. -3
06. +3

the reasons given for the votes:

01. negative: 3 | positive: 1
- The texture used does not work well with the icon.
- The light texture is distracting and the mask hides too much of the original image.
- The saturation is slightly too high, this is particularly noticeable with the reds. The small texture placement is awkward because the colour is too similar to David's face and so it doesn't stand out enough.
+ The light texture and coloring look really good with the black background.

02. negative: 0 | positive: 1
+ The crop is great. Good idea to extend the background. The font suits hte icon well and works well with the crop.

03. negative: 4 | positive: 0
- The background green is too overpowering in the icon.
- The green colour doesn't suit the tone of the image, the image is too dark and the text looks oversharpened.
- David's head looks flattened and the green colour layer makes the icon very dark and lacking in contrast.
- Icon is too dark and the green color is too overwhelming

04. negative: 2 | positive: 1
- I love the text, but the text box thing makes David look oddly shaped and makes him look squished into the top of the icon.
- The brown shape, while a good idea, is too similar in colour to David's coat and so ends up looking awkward. There is also too much text, some variation in size might help this look less crowded.
+ Love the text :D (David's face could be bit sharper thou)

05. negative: 3 | positive: 0
- The coloring makes his skin really red/orange and unnatural.
- the crop makes the image looks too small, the colours are too bright.
- Icon looks blurry and over saturated

06. negative: 0 | positive: 3
+ I like the crop.
+ The text and the colours are great.
+ Nice colouring and I like the text placement.

please let me know if you notice any mistakes^^

I'll post the new challenge later tonight :)

round 3, results, challenge 8

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