thanks to everyone who voted, even though again about half the voters were from outside the community^^
onlyechoes by
crying_shame Thanks for your entries, hope you stick around for future votings and the comeback challenge next week :)
catharsis_o_s If you want a banner let me know in a comment. Banners will be made for people's choice and mod's choice.
The entries again:
the voting results:
01. -4
02. +4
03. -7
04. -1 +3 = +2
05. -2
06. -4 +1 = -3
07. -2 +2 = 0
the reasons given for the votes:
01. negative: 4 | positive: 0
- too yellow and light
- The texture used is too overpowering and takes away from the subject.
- the yellow coloring is too strong
- the colours are too bright and the text doesn't add anything
02. negative: 0 | positive: 4
+ Nice colouring. The font works well with the image and the word choice is appropriate.
+ I love the simplicity of it and the text goes well.
+ Love the simple coloring and the text. Simple but very good
+ no comment
03. negative: 7 | positive: 0
- The contrast is too low and the brown colouring is overpowering. The black circle on the right seems out of place.
- the text doesn't fit the image
- text doesn't really fit in the icon and it looks bit pixelated. Icon could also use more contrast
- needs some contrast and the text doesnt fit
- not enough contrast
- There's a lack of contrast and the text seems to be blured
- the black shape/texture behind the text is distracting
04. negative: 1 | positive: 3
- text looks crammed in
+ awesome coloring! and the text fits perfectly
+ great colouring and text :D
+ no comment
05. negative: 2 | positive: 0
- the icon is too undersaturated (the yellow looks muddy) and the text would benefit from a darker border to be readable
- The coloring made the icon too lighty. The text is very funny through!
06. negative: 4 | positive: 1
- the blue coloring is too overwhelming and text is too cluttered and almost impossible to read
- The text is too tiny and doesn't fit the image.
- the icon is a little pale; some added contrast would improve it.
- The colouring is too blue. The word choice doesn't match what is happening in the image.
+ nice coloring
07. negative: 2 | positive: 2
- edges in the image look oversharpened
- The icon is too dark and the texture used does not go well with the icon.
+ perfect choice of text, and the text shaping and texture is STELLAR
+ I just love what you did to the text :)
please let me know if you notice any mistakes^^