round 2 challenge 10 results

Nov 19, 2007 20:58


by crazydelicious0

Thanks for your entry, hope you stick around for future votings and then sign up again for the next round :)


by likethesun


by clearthe_area


by ottinger0980

love the rotation and the use of texture :)

If you want a banner let me know in a comment. Banners will be made for people's choice and mod's choice.

The entries again:






the voting results:
01. -6 +9 = +3
02. -2 +5 = +3
03. -15 +1 = -14
04. -6 +1 = -5
05. -5 +1 = -4

the reasons given for the votes:

01. negative: 6 | positive: 9
- The text is too bold and unreadable.
- we can't read the text, the crop isn't very original and so is the colouring.
- The text seems out of place
- the text is hard to read because of the colors and the way it is written. It's a bit too dark.
- cute, but the text is too distracting and hard to read
- The colors are too flat and the text is too hard to read.
+ Great coloring and text placement.
+ Great crop, decent coloring, and interestingly placed text.
+ Nicely colored, good image quality.
+ I love the colouring and the font choice is really nice.
+ Great cropping and text use
+ cute cropping and i love the text. (:
+ The texture use is great, and the coloring too! The color of the font is nice, good to see something other than black and white there! The only negative thing in this one is the dividing of the words. Other than that, great!
+ no comment
+ no comment

02. negative: 2 | positive: 5
- the crop doesn't fit the image and it's too dark.
- The icon is too sharp, particularly around the ourline of his body and his hair. The icon would also benefit from a bit of added contrast
+ I adore the colouring! And the cropping is brilliant.
+ I love the crop and the colouring. Simple but very effective!
+ lovely colouring
+ no comment
+ no comment

03. negative: 15 | positive: 1
- It's little too blurry.
- Blurry image, odd color choice, and the text brush doesn't suit it.
- The icon is blurry as a whole and the text/brush thing in the bottom corner is placed oddly, and unreadable.
- Nice crop but the coloring is overwhelmingly blue so the image quality is grainy in the shadowy areas of his face.
- The brush used doesn't go well with the icon is wierdly placed
- the colouring seems a bit unnatural and bland, and the tiny text is too chaotic and really distracts from the rest of the icon.
- The colouring is splotchy and uneven and the text is completely unreadable.
- image seems a bit blurry and dark, it could also use more contrast.
- unflattering cropping, blurry and david is blue-ish
- Too blurry and the text brush thing is impossible to read.
- The image is blurry and colouring is poor
- I like the crop but the colouring makes his skin - especially his neck - look unnaturally blue.
- Voting 03 of mostly because of the colors. There's a little bit of green on David's face that destroy all the pretty created with those reds and yellows. Even that it is a good crop, there is nothing else on the icon: it could be brighter, with some cool text and would just *roock*, but it's not. :/
- the icon looks blurry
- The coloring is too pale and lifeless, the tinytext thingy does not look good at all when it's colored like that, it just looks like there has been a mistake.
+ I love the colors and the crop. David Tennant looks so sad!

04. negative: 6 | positive: 1
- Blurry image and the text is boring.
- background is plain and looks wash out. Text and crop are plain too.
- i like the overall idea, but the icon seems a bit too bright and faded, and the text placement a bit too random.
- the font could be a lot lot better and the colors are too washed out;
- the icon looks a little pale and the text doesn't fit with the style of the icon
- The blending and texture is really good, but the coloring is just too light and lacks contrast.
+ I really like the colouring

05. negative: 5 | positive: 1
- It's a little too sharp.
- The black and white and the border works nicely but the icon is a bit too oversharpened.
- Really too sharp.
- image seems oversharp
- icon is oversharpened.
+ no comment

let me know if you notice any mistakes^^

I'll post the new challenge later tonight :)

challenge 10, round 2, results, voting results

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