Mary's back. Mary's back, and when I see her, I still feel...
But I shouldn't let it bother me that much, should I? I never told Mary how I feel. I never asked her how she felt. There was nothing really between us besides friendship, right? Right. So...I should just move on, like I keep telling myself. Rosette and I are dating. I love Rosette. I know I love Rosette, and she loves me, so then...this should be easy.
But...is it really fair to ask her to marry me when I still care about someone else, too?
I shouldn't feel this way. I shouldn't feel any of this. So why can't I just fix it? This doesn't have to be difficult. I can tell Mary I'm dating Rosette and treat her just as I always did and nothing has to change.
...But I want to know what she'd say if I did tell her--but what would be the point of that? I'm dating Rosette! I love Rosette! I want to marry her!
Ugh. I don't really deserve either one of them.
Shiki's right, I need to take a step away and just...think about this. Letting myself get upset is just going to make this harder to think about.
So think, Chrono. Think. What do you really want? ...No, that's not right. What's best for Mary? What's best for Rosette?
I think...I owe her at least Valentine's. I was planning on that before, so...then...I shouldn't let Mary coming change all my plans. Yeah. That's what I'll do. And then I try to not rush things and think about this.
Hey, everyone? I don't know how many of you remember from when she was here before, but a old friend of mine has come back to the City. Her name is
Mary Magdalene. Please treat her well.
Rue, Fakir...I went ahead and brought her to the Opera since it was late when she came last night. I figured, since she stayed here before...is that alright?
Mary, how are you doing? Settling in okay? Let me know if you need anything!
[Private to Rosette]
Hey...there's been something I've been wanting to ask you, whenever you have the time.
[Private to Lilith and Joshua]
Do either of you know how Aion was able to get astral energy without his horns?
((OOC: And after several months, Mary has returned to the City! ...Oh, the drama. Please
add her if you haven't already! Chrono missed Rue's meltdown last night since he was so focused on Mary...^^; So he doesn't know that it might be an odd time to ask favors of Rue and Fakir.
ALSO--to the kind anon that bought Chrono a paid account--THANK YOUUUUU! ♥♥♥♥♥ I have no idea how else to get a hold of you, so it'll have to be here, I'm sorry. But I'm really, really, really happy you did that for me, it was awesome of you! You totally made my month. Thank you so much!))