Ignorant people bother me.

Feb 03, 2004 17:56

You know this is a rather sad world we live in when parents ask their child if they had "tried not be be gay/lesbian/bisexual/etc." Well, there are other reasons why this is a sad world, ones that came up before homosexuality was as such a big deal as it is now, but still. Why? Why can't people just accept that there are people that prefer the same gender as them or even both genders? No, wait, I know the answer to that. Because of ignorance, stupidity, and not understanding, which can all lead to fear of the unknown. Grr.
If anyone (for some random reason) was wondering, that little rant occured due a comment someone left me from a post I made in a community I'm part of on this site.
I'm one of the luckier people, I suppose. My mother knows I'm bisexual, and she's ok with it. Granted, when it comes to family my mother and older sister Corrina are the only ones that know... Although according to my mother, my dad thought I was gay once when he had to use my old computer for something and found a file I had left open of a slash story I was reading. But that was many years ago, and I don't think he even remembers that now.

Moving on to another topic... Oh hell. That was all I really had to say right now, compared to earlier this morning when I had more things to complain about, such as the fact that I hated being female at times. Three guesses as to why. Fortunately I was feeling better by the time I had to go to class...

family, sexuality, people who need to be set on fire

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