Lots of things have been going on since I last posted...
~Finally found a part-time job: selling sewing machines at the Viking Sewing Gallery inside the Joann Superstore near my house. XD
~Went to Fanime and saw lots of awesome people. I also made some money at the swap meet, which was extremely helpful.
~Passed my SafeServ certification exam.
~Got an A in PBK 105 and in PBK 125 (105 is Intro. to Baking Principles & Ingredient Functions, and 125 is Vienoisserie and Laminated Doughs).
frenchtweety and her friend Sara, and had an absolutely wonderful time with them.
~Had a tire blow out on 24 on my way to school just over a week ago due to a nail in the back driver's side tire. Very scary, since my car ended up on the shoulder nearly on its side. It was still drivable, though, thank goodness! Later, my uncle was able to fix my car, so I didn't have to spend a crazy amount of money that I don't have at the repair shop.
~Missed my flight to LA on the 27th and missed the ALA staff meeting by about 20 minutes, but managed to still get some stuff done and give away all the bread I took with me.
~Went to my niece's college graduation (from Columbia College Hollywood) on the 28th and got John Ratzenberger's autograph.
~Found out on Thursday that there was a nail in the back passenger side tire of my car! (I've since gotten both tires fixed, obviously.)
~Went to AX to help out at the Anime Los Angeles booth. Many thanks to
hazelchaz and Lynn!
~Got to see lots of people I haven't seen/talked to in a while: Julia, Caitlin, Melissa, Nikki, Chaz, Lynn, Hope, Ashley, Jordan, Yana, Anthony, Matt^2, FER, Tiffany, Carolyn, Victoria, Stan, Deb, Caroline, Jeremy, Heather, Kate (I loved the masquerade skit!), and many others that I got to meet and get to know better! (Many apologies if I forgot someone... It's been a very long day.)
~Talked to someone from SakuraCon when she stopped by our booth, and I might be volunteering there next year. We'll see. I should be done with school and hopefully have a full-time job by then.
I have so many pictures of the breads I've made in the last six weeks. I just need to post them online, which I'll be doing this week in between school, work, and packing to move (yet again!). I also have some pictures of other stuff that I need to post/send to people/etc.
And with that, I bid you all a good night. The fact that it took me three tries to type "bid" correctly is proof enough that I need to get to sleep. X_x