Learn your Ninja Clan at the
Ninja Burger website.
I found that amusing. I hope you do, too. I wish I could be a ninja.
I'm tired, but I can't go to sleep. At least, not until I start working on that stupid outline for the Theology term paper... And I don't feel like working on that right now, so therefore I cannot go to bed.
I went to Nintendo Narratives with Doc tonight. We thought we were going to get a chance to play some dancing games (DDR, Martial Beat, etc.), but we ended up watching anime instead. Not bad, but that means we brought all the stuff for the games for nothing. Oh well. Maybe next week. Hopefully.
Apprently over spring break someone stole the video projector in the room my American Cultures class is in. This posed a bit of a problem for us since the professor holds his lectures using Power Point, and a few of us had Power Point slides and a movie clip we wanted to use in our group presentation. Gah. We had to do the presentation anyway, and even then I didn't have a chance to do my part since we ran out of time. Now, I don't really care about having to do my part on Thursday... What bugs me is that I had gotten about 4.5 hours of sleep since I stayed up late to finish the slides and I didn't even get to use them! Gah!
And dang, my current music has changed 3 times since I started typing It's gone from Raphael to T.I.M.E. with "Another One Bites the Dust" (and yes, it's that same song, but a Eurobeat version of it. It's awesome!) to T.M. Revolution with "Hot Limit". Fun. I don't feel like changing what down below, though.