Jul 30, 2007 08:46
So last night I dreamed that I was out in the woods with some people, including some little kids, and we were looking at this chest of drawers which we knew had this kinda ethereal demon-monster thing in it, which I thought was a bad idea when we had kids with us... So anyway I make some threatening noises so the thing will hopefully not do anything, and then I play with the kids and we're getting along great, particularly this adorably cute little girl. And then I turn my back and she's gone, and I know that the thing in the chest must've grabbed her and disappeared. So, I'm super fucking pissed and I start beating on the chest to make it come out, it was kinda tied to the chest in our dimension with a kind've pocket dimension of it's own, and so anyway since this is a demon-monster thing it's fairly dangerous, but I don't care as I'm SFP. So it does show up and I proceed to beat the living shit out of it while threatening it with worse, and then as it's still not cooperating after I've pacified it, I pulled out my knife and started cutting off bits of it, including one of it's eyes. And so after awhile of me torturing it, it finally gave up and brought her back from the pocket dimension it stuffed her in, and then we left.
And then I had a dream that I was in a large housing complex that I needed to get out of, but all the houses were connected and so I had to keep convincing people that I wasn't dangerous and to please let me walk through their house on my way out.
What's weird is that I don't like little kids, I generally find them annoying, not cute. I can't remember the last time I had a dream with a kid in it at all, it must've been years and years ago, probably when I was a kid myself.
My grammar/etc is all off in this post because I'm rushing to get it down before work. Ah well.