I just finished a freelance job and I have 5 days before I have to start the next one. If I accept it.
But since it relates to the status of 10K, today I was inspired (ha ha, or prodded a little by someone in my diary) to post here what's going on. So honestly, here's the decision I'm about to make.
Less than 70 pages to go-- I need to have
the 10K Commotion finished before Comic Con International in San Diego. (July 20-23) I'm even going to ask for time off from work before the convention (since one of my bosses is also the agent representing 10K Commotion and she wants to get it published, they might agree to that. Might)
But the toughest decision for me now is whether to split on my current freelance agreement or not. After my HD crash, I got my files restored and I can use my old computer to paint now-- But the freelance translation job I agreed to last November is now going to take me until July to finish the books they want me to have done. Which means:
Option #1-- if I turn it down, I can work on 10K instead-- but I'll lose $3000 PLUS they might not call me for another book after that. This whole project might have paid close to $15,600 USD total. But it's becoming clear that I can't do this entire title by myself while still working a full time job anyway, so the question really is: Do I turn it down now or do a couple more books first while they find another translator?
Option #2-- if I do this freelance jobs, in the meantime, I might not be able to finish 10K Commotion by Comic Con, but I can finish the pitch materials. In that scenerio I don't know when I'll have time to finish the opening animatic either. And I can't attest to how well everything will turn out if I have to rush either. Lastly I also have to try to account for my own personal sanity, which (you might be able to tell) is a bit strained right now. (X_x)
As such, right this minute I'm leaning toward turning down the freelance and devoting my time to:
* finishing 10K,
* preparing to pitch Miyachi and also
* living life like a normal girl sometimes.
But of course it's not entirely my decision. Even if I DO talk to the publisher of this freelance, it might cause trouble for me in the future. And I think I can get some time off, we'll see. I'm talking with my editor this week. Today we had to discuss things about the freelance due this week... once that's handled, I'll mention my concerns. We'll see how that goes.
I apologize for not having more of the stuff in my head uploaded to the internet yet! I'm really happy that I've come this far and people are interested in what's going on, so thanks for all your support!! I will be finishing it. And it will be the best I can make it. AND so the rest of 10K (and Miyachi) mo yoroshiku :D