Jul 03, 2004 00:08
yeah, its a shame friends dont fall in love more often. well, actually, it happens pretty often. the real shame is when it doesnt work out, espicially when theres no reason it shoudlnt. the most abused excuse is that they dont want to mess up the friend ship. not that the built up sexual tension would. and the thing is, it isnt that akward! its only akward when you say to yourself, "Hmm, Im going out with my friend. How akward." thats the exact moment when you screw yourself out of what could be one of the greatest relationships you'll ever have. just think about it. this is your friend! you know you trust them, you know they understand and respect you, and most importantly, you know you actually like them! its a package deal!
but believe you me, i know its easier said than done. we have this reflex, see, and as we grow attached to people, we learn to protect your relationship, even from yourself. so the trick is, if youre having second thoughts about taking a friendship a step further, JUST DO IT. dont stop to think about reprocussions. if things go wrong, hey, youre already friends! so youre cool! its just the longer you think about it, the more excuses youll give youself as to why it shouldnt happen. let it happen! be happy! love somebody! ahhhhhhhh!
oy, im tirededed
somebody call me! please!!
~Cory (that friendless single guy who always seems to know what he's talking about)
(despite its inspiration, this post isnt directed to anyone in particular)