Settling down to blog, finally. I'm ready with a cup of green tea and... leftover rice krispy treats? Odd combo? Me and the boyfriend (Chester) made some homemade bananas foster fondue since we were craving dessert, complete with strawberries, bananas, marshmallows and homemade rice krispy treats. Well, one thing's for sure... I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I eat all perfect and count everything. In a perfect world, yes. If I was a bit more disciplined, yes. That's not to say that I eat what I want when I want - I do try to make better choices, especially when I'm out. Chicken breast, hold the mayo, sauce on the side, reduce some of the bread. It can be difficult to go out to eat with friends at a restaurant when I know I'm in the minority when it comes to getting my food like that. When Chester is along, I'm thankful that we can just split some of our food if we crave something really bad. I've learned how to eat "just a taste" of something that way. However, if it's something rare or very "once in awhile," you better believe I'm going all out. :) It's nice to enjoy full fat things once in awhile!
Phew, this week flew by. I'll admit to having a pretty rough week to start, training-wise. I took to benching with dumbbells on Monday and it sucked, bad. I managed to work up to 70x3 for one set, but I felt no confidence in it... I dropped back down to a set of 65s, but that workout was rather short, even including my jump rope. I saw my chiropractor that day but I was more focused on getting ART on other parts of my body (back, arm, hands). My deltoid didn't bother me as much earlier! Note to get that and my left tricep looked at next week.
Tuesday Night Workout: Legs
Tuesday showed much more promise though, even though my knee started spazzing out before and after jumping rope; straighten the knee, the ligaments and the muscles would seize up, like a cramp or worse. You'd think I would've forgone Leg day, yes? I have before, but I felt good about it that day... I slipped on the knee sleeves and felt a bit better... uh, hope I don't forget to ask Dr. Cris about the knee as well. :)
-Squats maxed out at 200x1, was really feeling the groove. The downside was that the power rack is right next to the heavy bag... and it was Tuesday, so everyone and their mother was at the gym, using the heavy bag, deadlifting behind me, walking near the barbell... just felt so stuffy, it was hard to concentrate.
-A little short on the pounds for OHSQ (85x6) due to reoccurring knee shakiness, so I let it go.
-Pull throughs 150x12, and that's the cable stack... should I do them slower, or for more reps?
-Hanging leg raises 15,10,10
-Zercher Squats due to my own curiosity of its "practical" application. I mean, I could carry people on my back, but they're likely to slip off, right? What if I could carry them in my arms, for real? Either way, it was this or front squats to try... made it up to 115x8, not bad.
Thursday Night Workout: - Focus on back.
-Started off deadlifting conventional, 135x8, 175x5.
Got a surge of energy and resumed DL sumo, 175x5, 205x5 switched from overhand to mixed grip halfway through, then mixed 225x3.
I thought to myself - I'm pissed off that I've been squatting more than I've been DLing! That isn't right! Even though my back pain seemed to affect my DL more, it really leaves me unsettled! I did 205x5. 225 is more than I'd been able to lift in the last two months due to recuperating, so I'm just hoping I can maintain this level of strength and not slip so much.
-Weighted pull-ups (neutral) 25x6, 25x5, 25x6
-Back extension, 25x15x3
-Good Mornings, 60x8x3
-OHSQ 65x8, 90x8. I tend to do a bunch of these because I can feel the focus on my mid-back (rhomboids, lower trap fibers) get sore... and it's pretty weak and undeveloped there. Pseudo-rehab, for now I guess. The thing is that if I lack concentration and strength, these are too dangerous to do! Hence, why there are only two sets here.
-Some concentrated curls... misc.
On the way back home from the gym today, I was contemplating about future goals for my lifts. What is realistic, around how much should I be able to gain up to while at this weight? How do I not get discouraged when the weights feel like they're going up and down due to being periodically injured or imbalanced (shoulder, back, knee)? I harp on my form since I know that more injuries will depress me and set me back, but who doesn't like to SEE the progress in numbers on their lifts? For example, my squat and deadlift numbers were on the higher end this week. Will they be like that next week? Depends... but if they aren't even close, it's difficult to not get discouraged. I try not to get down, but how do you overcome those mental humps, especially if you've handled more weight before?