Cagalli Yuli Athha
Skills: Sword Cut, Gun Shot, Shield Defense, SEED, Latent Energy, Support Attack, Support Request, Combo
Seishin: Indomitability, Concentrate, Fighting Spirit, Hot Blood, Awaken, ???
SRW K Cagalli > Any other SRW Cagalli
I don't know what her last seishin is. I'm assuming it's probably Love again. I'd gladly trade Fighting Spirit in for Lock On, but since she's about eight times better this time around and you can upgrade her accuracy anyway, I'm not sure how much use that would be. She's still inferior to Kira and Athrun (obviously the former more than the latter) but unless I've really gone out of my way to power her weapons up (I haven't), she hangs in there.
The Akatsuki: It doesn't have the ridiculous MAP attack of the Strike Freedom or any combination attacks, but it's certainly better than the Aile Strike Rouge. It's also the closest you're going to get to anything akin to Fin Funnels unless you bother to unlock Ray Za Burrel. Too bad there aren't more space missions to spam it on. Yata no Kagami eats up a fair amount of beam damage as well.
SEED Mode: More SEED, all the time. Cagalli joins early and the ability is present from the get go. To be fair, the damage bonus is probably the only thing that really keeps her from being just plain average.
Don't Put Her Right on the Bench: The Rouge starts off with the Repair ability and certain routes will split her and Kira, meaning you're going to have her out more often as your SEED representative while Athrun's busy with ZAFT.
Doesn't Put Herself on the Bench: I'm looking at you SRW Z, and yes, I know Cagalli barely fought during SEED Destiny but its fucking SRW and it can do whatever the fuck it wants. This time around, the Orb Mistress proclaims diplomacy is for pussies and finally gets to kick ass.
Not Awesome
Fuck Canon: Again, I don't care that it happened during the show, the damned Akatsuki is a gift from her father. Neo/Muu is awesome and I don't deny that, but I don't want him in there. No extra special cut-ins, presumably because the unit can be piloted by someone who isn't Cagalli. Put La Flaga in Impulse or something; no one cares about Lunamaria anyway.
Fuck Canon, Part Two: No Coordinator skill. Okay, I concede this one actually should not be changed, but she just can't compete with her brother Kira (despite her gaining a second rank in Combo Attack before him -- seriously, look at her attack two sets of partners with her double beam saber!!! And then watch Kira MAP 14 guys off the battle in one shot). To be fair, Coordinator doesn't add all that much to stats overall even with Break Morale Limit on, but its enough that Kira, Athrun...even Muu can catch her on stats.
Tired of the Ground Troops: Game needs more space battles. Again, it makes sense that you'd fight less in space after the two Gundam arcs conclude, but you can't use the Akatsuki's Shiranui pack and thus you cannot use Fi-...Fake Funnel. It also means the Stargazer suffers as well, which I found disappointing. Seriously, the thing is built for deep space travel but I need to use a fucking Flight Module to get it off the fucking ground? If you're going to dick us like that, can I just have Red Frame Powered back?