(no subject)

Feb 07, 2004 01:19

So, an update of little consequence.

I've spent almost no time on the computer in the past few days, save a bout last night where I talked to a few people, but nothing of real significance (that I can remember). Sitting in this chair has been somewhat painful, and still is, so I probably won't type too much. In fact, at the moment I'd say sitting is the most painful thing I can do; there's a lot of pressure in my lower back when I do so, and I really feel it (unless the seat reclines some, like in the sofa downstairs, or some people's cars).

Thursday was by far the worst of it, as it often tends to be (after all, I rested when I got home, and then rested moreso by sleeping, so things cramped up most then), but I had slight recovery today. I can now walk almost at full speed, which is nice, though I still don't care much for going up and down the stairs, so I've kept my travels limited. Mom tells me I need to exercise to work it off, but I don't recall that ever helping too much before -- however, I did stretch a bit here and there just to move things around. It hurt. Reminded me quite a bit of videos of athletes or other people going through rehab.

Nonetheless, I ended up watching a lot of television today while laying as flat as possible. And by a lot, I mean a lot. Pretty much every hour between whenever I got off the phone with Nicky this morning, to when she called me after work (so at least ten hours, all of which were spent laying on my brother's bed). Nothing terribly interesting on TV, I noted, but I didn't really have much else to do (as of course, sitting was still uncomfortable, and at the moment I have nothing worth reading. All I could have done was play GBA, probably).

Anyway, I had ice on my back for awhile now, and the numbness is starting to wear off, so I think I'm going to get out of this chair. Here's to hoping this doesn't last much longer; I've got things I want and need to do.
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