Mar 15, 2009 20:00
...So you won't let me silence you again? I suppose that's what I deserve. You manipulated me from the very beginning to free yourself... and I was weak enough to allow it.
I never ignored you. I know things are rough. The things you and I want are just so different, though. I can't be the host you feel like you are entitled to. When did you get like this? Was it feeding on Ted's grandfather? I refuse to believe you were always this cruel. Of course you aren't. Gremio and Nanami are alive BECAUSE of you.
Life and Death. LIFE and Death. You don't have to just send souls to the beyond, or even feed upon them. Every time a child is born, the power you govern over has a hand in that. That means something to you, doesn't it?
...I'm sorry, but I can't let you keep doing this. I won't allow you to play my emotions anymore. If you won't let me do this myself then...
I will find someone who can.
...And yes, the communicator was on. They will find me soon. I know you wont stop it. You'll want to kill them too. You're still hungry. You're always hungry...
a darker fate,
talking to his rune,
emoest tenkai ever,
brb questioning everything,
sir naoto,
tenkai/tragedy otp,
overworking oneself runs in the starline,
shit is about to go down,
remembering teo,
shut up souleater,
unleash our judgment,
soul eater rune