... seriously?

Aug 03, 2009 21:18

Over the past few months, I've quit the Risembool Rangers, thanks to several friends who informed me of the groups reputation and CosFu. But... I think I've reached the breaking point with it.

Let's set the record straight.

I am not jealous of a 50 year old man. I mean, seriously, why would I be? Some reasons have been =>

1.) I want to be just like him. Um no, not really. You see, I like being a girl. I like being 17, having no one know who I am except my friends and family when I go to cons, and well having a life where people aren't stalking me. While one might envy his odd power of having rabid, mainly jailbait fangirls being obsessed with him, I don't. I like my privacy. :D

2.) You're jealous that he's awesome! Hahahahahahaha.... no. I'm awesome. If I'm already awesome, why would I be jealous?

3.) He's a Christian, and people hate Christians. ... did you fantards seriously pull the religion card? I'm a Christian, and Vic is the kind of Christian I hate, the kind that shoves their beliefs downs others throats. Why else would he hold church services at cons? I have no problem with stating your religion, but he's crossed a line.

4.) You're jealous that he's a famous voice actor! He's a voice actor... yay him. I'd rather support voice actors like J. Michael Tatum or Greg Ayres who use different voices for the different characters, voice actors who are nice and genuinely care about their fans. And I'm sorry, and I'm not trying to be mean to any voice actor (especially the ones I like), but no voice actor is famous. The only one I know of that is coming close to being known outside of anime is Travis Willingham. So no, he's not famous. And, why would I be jealous of someone who's doing something with his life that I don't want to do?

I felt bad at first... I blindly fell into the Risembool Rangers. I ignored my friends warnings, friends who had experiances with Vic and were telling me that the group was crazy. But that's life. This was just my way of letting everything out... because I'm tired of people assuming that I'm jealous simply because I hate the guy.

jealous, rangers no more, vic

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