Hi minna!
Mmmm... I can remember my old myself, last year... that sunday there was a SCP with Kitto Daijoubu. I was all the day waiting and searching the SCP performance... I didn't know anything about CB ^^U It was quite hard.... This is the reason that at least, i wanted to share with minna the performances. I don't want to lock these kind of post "only for friends" 'cause I have realised that there are a lot of kind people that read me without a LJ account ^^ When I asked help, they reply me so kindly! ^__^
Ara!! I just found a nonlogo file on windjp!!!! If you can use CB,
douzo~ It will take a while to download and then upload it here... I have to go to sleep soon ^^U Mondays are really hard! >.< I will upload the files tomorrow...
Saa~ here the Stage Report! Enjoy it ^^
Download Stage Report!