JunStyle 19.02.2011

Apr 09, 2011 12:43

おはようございます。2月19日土曜日の朝 いかがお過ごしですか? 松本潤です。
え~ みなさん、花粉症は大丈夫ですかぁ 

あのですねぇ わたくしも、もぉ何年前ですか 4年前ぐらいから花粉症と診断され 
あのねぇ、もぉ1月からずっと辛かったっすねぇ  今年は。

なんかこぉ 鼻がすごくなるとかじゃないんですよ 僕の場合
目がかゆくなるっていうのが一番でぇ  鼻も もちろんきたり、
あと喉?がこぉなんか かゆくイガイガする感じとかもあったりとかするんですが・・

頑張りましょう! 花粉症のみなさん!

では、約30分間 僕 松本潤とお付き合い下さい。
JUN STYLEスタートです。

Jun talks about pollen allergy.

♪ Boom Boom by Arashi

『私言いきっちゃいます』 ~ "I declare" corner e-mail:

First e-mail, she declares that she wants to be able to touch fish, and then try eating fish. She hates fish and can't eat it. She asks to Jun what kind of fish does he lie.

Jun eats it any kind, the other day Jun had Shabu Shabu.
Jun was taught by her mother how to clean fish.
Maybe white fish is easier to eat? or grilled or like meuniere.

♪ Need You Now by Lady Antebellum

Next e-mail is about Au Andriod Guinness challenge record.
She tried to record all the CMs, it was like a battle, she was like challenging Guinness in a different way. She asks to Jun his favourite CM.

There are 60 different versions. They broke 3 Guiness records.
His favourite CM is the one he filmed with Riida, with the alarm function on the train. it makes to wake you before arriving at the station.

Jun asks to write e-mails to him about what kind of Guinness record you want.

♪ ever by Arashi

It's the coupling song for the Lotus single.
They recorded the PV at the end of last year.
The coreography is new.
It was the person who used to choreograph their concerts,
it was the first time to do the single dance with him.
They dance a lot <3

Last e-mail is about Bartender drama.
Seems that Jun appeared xD
The staff told this to Jun 2 days before xD

♪ Lotus by Arashi
♪ Just The Way You Are

Jun says that he got some complains because he doesn't say Bye Bye at the end of the show xP Maybe not complains itself, but questioning it..



『バイバイ』 ~ Bye Bye

junstyle, jun, ラジオ, radio, ジュンスタ, 松本潤

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