Arashi no Shukudai-kun #124 was a Yatter Man special!
★Guests: Fukada Kyoko and Kendo Kobayashi. It was a fun episode ^.^ Fukada Kyoko is so pretty!!
★ Opening Talk. They talked about the movie, because the set was full of YatterMan posters. Ogura-san have watched the movie, but he didn't saw Sho-kun at all... his eyes were for Fukada Kyoko-san ne xD They asked Sho-kun to make the "yatta" transformation xD But he had a tiny problem, check the video!
★ Tasting Food. Instead of "umai", Yatta reaccions! so cute to watch, check the video! ^__^
It's so cute Aiba x Jun there xD Jun didn't want to make the yatta reaccion alone, and he brought Aiba-chan with him xD
★ AibaLand. A game with yatterman masks. They do fun faces trying to guess what is the item in the yatterman masks xD
★ The announced the next SP: Arashi no Jikken-kun & Shukudai-kun SP on 24th March.
★ Episode Ratings: 8.2%!
◆ I made a happy fanvideo with old Shukudai-kun moments,
if you wanna watch ^^ Enjoy this Shukudai-kun cut videos on Vox!