Hi minna-san!!
You can vote at Nikkan Sports Drama Awards!
I have voted this morning, but I was in a rush because I had an exam =_=
I wanted to post a little tutorial, so please take your time and vote! ^^
Deadline on October 4th at 1pm (Japan Time)
You can vote here! Sometimes it's a hard choise ^^;
https://q.nikkansports.com/u/a/quiz/469 #1. Best Dorama
You can vote here for Maou! 魔王(TBS) Support Riida's drama! ^___^
(or Code Blue コード・ブルー ^^U)
#2. If you select other, you have to type here.
#3. Best actor
Of course, Oh-chan!! 大野智
I am sorry for Yamapi >.< 山下智久
#5. Best Actress
Since I have watched Seigi no Mikata, I have no doubt here to vote Mirai Shida 志田未来 ^^-
#7. Best Supporting Actor
Ohkura tadayoshi (大倉忠義(ヤスコとケンジ、日本テレビ)
#9. Best Supporting Actress
小林涼子(魔王、TBS) I really liked Ryoko Kobayashi(Shiori) in Maou ^__^
#11. Select Male (男性) or Female (女性)
#13. Select your age.
#13. Type your email.
Click the button send, and a confirmation page will appear showing your votes in each category. Press send button (送信する) again. ^^
Final message: ありがとうございました。 (Thank you)